EDA Committee 2001
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The President - Hitchy
God only knows why they gave me this title. Maybe something to do with there being no power attached. But anyway I was, on Challenge Cup Final Weekend 2001, voted as the First President of the EDA.

Secretary - Gary J
Once known as a part-timer, Gary is one of the original three EDA members along with Scuff and Steve B. It is now his job to make sure everything in the EDA runs smoothly, well as smooth as his John Smiths anyway ;)


The Chairman - Tambo
Not scared to take any members to the EDA courts!!, Tambo is a very big Ayr Scottish-Eagles fan and has been following the sport for many years now. You will recognise him by his kilt, wig and tambourine.
Other key figures:

Treasurer - Keith Manlove

Foreign Secretary - Stevie G

EDA 2001